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Water Heater Repairs Tampa, FL

Water Heater Repairs: A Broken Water Heater Can be Dangerous

Your home water heater draws cold water through your water lines to a dip that forces it to the bottom of the tank, close to the heating element or burner. The burner fires to heat the water to the desired temperature as dictated by the thermostat. Just as we learned in high school physics, the water rises as it gets hotter until it reaches a “heat-out” pipe. The hot water is expelled through the pipe whenever your dishwasher runs or you turn on the shower and is replaced by cold water, and the process starts over.

That’s a lot of moving parts, and any one of them can break down at any time, leaving out in the cold. If you experience an issue with your hot water, the experts at Service Minds Benjamin Franklin Plumbing should be your first call. Do not try to fix a water heater yourself. It could be unstable, and poses a potential safety threat, as scalding water could escape from broken valves, pumps, or hoses.

Malfunctioning water heaters pose additional hazards water leaks around electrical outlets and wires create fire dangers while gas-fired units can emit deadly carbon monoxide and may even explode if valves do not properly relieve excess pressure.

Diego, a Benjamin Franklin plumber in Tampa, holding a tablet in a residential kitchen.

Water Heater Giving You the Chills?

The hot water running out in the middle of your shower is not something you would want to experience more than once. If it seems like your hot water supply isn’t what it once was, your water heater probably needs repairs. While water heaters are designed to be durable and long-lasting, their components wear out, parts break, and calibrations go haywire.

The good news is that the dependable pros at Service Minds Benjamin Franklin Plumbing can get your water heater back online quickly. If you suspect your water heater needs some TLC, call us PDQ.

Here are some of the most common indicators that it’s time to call the experts at Service Minds Benjamin Franklin:

Running hot and cold: If you aren’t getting enough hot water, the water isn’t getting as hot as it should, or the flow runs hot and cold, there could be thermostat issues or excessive sediment buildup inhibiting heating performance.

Pooling water: Standing water around your heater tank indicates a leak that should be addressed promptly. Small leaks from the top of the unit could be the result of a faulty temperature/pressure relief valve. Leaks from the tank itself indicate internal corrosion and rusting that will only worsen if you let it go.

Red tide: Rusty or discolored water spell trouble for your water heater’s internal tank.Sounds of strife: Growling, pounding whining or popping noises signal that your water heater is beating itself up by pushing accumulated sediment into its components and tank chassis.

Bad smells or taste: If your hot water evokes rotten eggs, sulfur or other unpleasant odor or taste, it may stem from bacteria buildup in the tank or a failing anode rod that needs replacement.

Low pressure: A weak hot water flow could mean the water heater isn’t operating at full capacity due to clogs, sediment, or other heating issues.

While some of these symptoms may seem minor, they can escalate into bigger problems. Don’t ignore them! If you notice any of these signs, invite a Service Minds Benjamin Franklin plumber to take a look.